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Stakeholder Engagement Overview

2020 saw a healthy level of activity in ACEMS with respect to stakeholder engagement despite the obvious challenges.

The Centre continued to pursue the mutually beneficial collaborations with Partner Organisations, Industry Affiliate Members, research collaborators, program collaborators, citizen scientists, and other end users. ACEMS’ strategic efforts in this regard are realising a range of benefits, including new research collaborations, knowledge creation, knowledge translation, research commercialisation, and research impact. These transdisciplinary and cross-sector collaborations are having a positive impact in each of our collaborative domains, namely, for ‘Healthy People’, ‘Sustainable Environments’, and ‘Prosperous Societies’.

Our valued stakeholders include all ACEMS members as well as our external collaborators from organisations across industry, government, the non-profit, and research sectors.

Our engagement also extends to the public, end-users and other beneficiaries of our research activities, with the aim of maximising the societal benefits of this engagement.

Engagement highlights from 2020 include:

In-kind contributions from POs (x1.99 forecast)

ACEMS teams receiving awards at the Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA)

Joint ACEMS-stakeholder workshops held/co-organised/co-hosted by the Centre

Training workshops and presentations were delivered by ACEMS Members

Industry speakers at ACEMS Retreats

ACEMS Research Collaborators

ACEMS research collaborators range from those with whom ACEMS undertakes one or more collaborative research projects through to those more deeply and broadly engaged via research and other engagement mechanisms, either as Industry Affiliate Members in our Industry Affiliate Program (IAP) or official Partner Organisations who benefit from a more strategic and longer-term collaboration.

During 2020, the Centre’s key collaborators included six Partner Organisations, nine Industry Affiliate Members, and many other government, industry, and non-profit organisations, plus national and international research organisations.

ACEMS Partner Organisations

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Sax Institute

Learn more about each Partner Organisation and its collaboration with ACEMS here

ACEMS Industry Affiliate Members

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood (ARCL)
(formerly Australian Red Cross Blood Service (RCBS))
Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ)
Defence Science and Technology Group (DST Group)
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME)
FLEW Solutions
Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS)

Learn more about each Industry Affiliate Member and its collaboration with ACEMS here

Some of the other organisations collaborating with ACEMS members during 2020

Australian Antarctic Division

Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI)

Australian Institute of Sport

Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)*

Cloud Forge

Department of Environment and Science

Department of Human Services

Dingo Software*

Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Great Barrier Reef Legacy*

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Healthy Land and Water*

Human Performance Research Network (HPRnet)*

Integrity Systems Company*

Jamieson Trauma Institute

Joint Cyber Security Centre*

Meat and Livestock Australia*

Metro South Hospitals Brisbane

Moreton Bay College*

National Institutes of Health, USA

NSW Department of Primary Industry and Environment

NSW Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer

Operations Research Network (ORnet)*

OSCEN Research*

Queensland AI Hub*

Reef Teach*

Swimming Australia Limited

Triathlon Australia

West Coast Eagles

Organisations marked with an * are new organisations collaborating with the Centre in 2020.