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ACEMS 2021: The Year Ahead

ACEMS is optimistic about 2021, the final year of the Centre.

Our goal is to maintain the momentum built up over the life of the Centre as well as making a positive impact via our legacy. In addition to the important goal of creating world-class research and developing the next generation of outstanding mathematical scientists, the Centre’s efforts will be focused on continuing to be leaders in the Australian mathematical sciences community across a range of areas including equity and diversity initiatives, collaboration and stakeholder engagement, outreach and education, and media and communications. A brief overview of the Centre’s 2021 plans is below.


  • Create world-class research at the frontiers of the mathematical sciences: see the 2021 plans within each research theme report for details
  • Taking into account the immensely difficult environment that COVID-19 has created, use available funding to help ACEMS staff and students at all levels transition to the next stage of their career. This might be by providing short-term research assistance or transition scholarship or salary funding.
  • Support ACEMS Research Fellows and Associate Investigators, as well as increase cross-node collaborations, via the Research Support Scheme (RSS), Industry Collaboration Support Scheme (ICSS) and Virtual International Mobility Programme (IMP)
  • Expand and strengthen relationships with our Partner Organisations and Industry Affiliate Members through research collaborations with a view to the Centre’s legacy
  • Organise, sponsor and participate in research-focused workshops and conferences to showcase the Centre’s world-class research (either virtually or in-person where possible)

National and international links

  • Invite national and international ‘visitors’ (including Scientific Advisory Committee members) to participate in ACEMS podcasts, public lectures and the Centre’s final Annual Retreat
  • Engage with existing national and international collaborators
  • Develop new links with national and international collaborators
  • Continue to strengthen existing links with other ARC Centres of Excellence in research, and professional staff development, and establish new connections with 2020 Centres


  • Produce and edit another season of The Random Sample podcast, ensuring it is topical and highlights the diverse strengths of the Centre
  • Produce and edit new video content and organise panel sessions and a social media campaign in support of key Centre initiatives and activities, such as Women in Maths Day celebrations
  • Provide opportunities to assist in enhancing the communication and presentation skills of all ACEMS members and provide experience in communicating research objectives and outcomes to end-users at all levels
  • Introduce a new regular series of online communications catch-ups for members designed to: share social media tips and tricks; share success stories of what’s working for them on social media; discuss challenges they’re facing with social media; share papers and/or pre-prints (for others to share on their social media); pass along any names of people who they should be following on Twitter or LinkedIn
  • Identify and mentor members looking to improve their career path through use of communications
  • Reinforce existing links with other ARC Centres of Excellence by continuing to deliver shared communications training workshops
  • Continue to produce personal stories about Centre members and their research and achievements
  • Continue to grow the Centre’s audience on social media


  • Continue with the Centre’s cross-node mentoring program
  • Offer additional mentoring opportunities such as virtual drop-in group sessions and small-group mentoring circles, using online platforms so that these activities can be cross-nodal
  • Increase mentoring for postdoctoral researchers and professional staff with a strong focus on career development for life post-ACEMS
  • Offer online mentoring seminars broadcast across the nodes
  • Where possible due to COVID-19, provide vacation scholarships and interact with existing vacation scholarship schemes
  • Identify opportunities for ACEMS HDR students and ECRs to engage with the international research community
  • Facilitate greater cross-node interaction through the promotion of cross-node supervision

Stakeholder engagement

  • Stakeholder Engagement officer to visit ACEMS nodes in person where possible and arrange virtual meetings at other nodes
  • Host an Industry Ideas Challenge
  • Host a hackathon
  • Engage in National Science Week activities
  • Further expand the Industry Affiliate Program, welcoming new Industry Affiliate Member organisations as opportunities arise
  • Host engagement-focused workshops
  • Host research planning meetings with Partner Organisations and Industry Affiliate Members
  • Actively promote collaborative opportunities so that ACEMS member relationships with Partner Organisations and Industry Affiliate Members can continue beyond the end of the Centre

Outreach to schools

  • Deliver professional development MathsCraft workshops to teachers across Australia both in-person (where possible) and virtually
  • Deliver the MathsCraft curriculum to schools that have subscribed, and support teachers to implement it
  • Host the fourth annual Data Science Work Experience program (postponed in 2020)
  • Maintain the Centre’s involvement in the “Mathematicians in Schools” stream of CSIRO’s STEM Professionals in Schools Program

Outreach to general public

  • Develop and expand the National Science Quiz and host it as an in-person event hosted by Charlie Pickering, that is also streamed online
  • Continue to run the ACEMS Public Lecture Series with contributions from high profile international visitors
  • Organise and participate in National Science Week events

Outreach within the mathematical sciences research community

  • Support relevant workshops, conferences and events
  • Organise and sponsor International Women in Maths Day events and produce relevant material and social media campaign to support its promotion in Australia
  • Continue to provide financial support of the mathematical research institute MATRIX
  • Continue to support and co-organise workshops with MATRIX
  • Support the Australian Mathematical Society’s Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group

Equity and diversity

  • Review the 2020 Climate Survey detailed results to establish a set of recommendations that ACEMS can implement over the final year of the Centre
  • Conduct the fourth and final annual climate survey to continue tracking the Centre’s progress across key areas
  • Deliver new Equity and Diversity workshops guided by feedback from the Climate Survey
  • Sponsor relevant workshops, conferences and events via that make an impact in equity and diversity
  • Promote the Centre’s various support schemes to continue to grow participation, including the Carer’s Provision Fund, the Student Parental Leave Scholarship, the Student Support Scheme, the Research Support Scheme, Industry Collaboration Support Scheme, and Virtual International Mobility Program

Governance and operations

  • Promote and implement the recommendations of the Equity and Diversity Committee
  • Engage with the Scientific Advisory Committee regarding the Centre’s research with a focus on the Centre’s legacy
  • Engage with the Governance Advisory Board in the lead up to the Centre’s conclusion with a focus on legacy and finances
  • Monitor the Centre’s finances to ensure all planned activities are achievable and that the Centre’s various budgets are fully expended – but not overspent – by the end of 2021
  • Expand the Centre’s reporting systems in the lead up to preparing the Centre’s Final Report
  • Undertake a review of Centre activities to measure and record progress against the goals that were detailed in the Centre’s strategic plan 

Succession planning

  • Consider the career prospects of all ACEMS postdoctoral staff and provide appropriate mentoring and opportunities with a view to expanding their experience in anticipation of their next role
  • Consider utilising remaining Centre budget on supporting PhD students at the end of their PhD and postdocs at the end of their contracts with ‘bridging’ funds
  • Continue to offer professional staff additional mentoring and training opportunities including via the Professional Staff Development Fund, with a view to expanding their skill sets and planning for their next role after the Centre concludes
  • Encourage all members to participate in different facets of the Centre’s operations, including serving on committees, so that a broader group of members obtain valuable leadership experience

Other activities

  • Nominate people for prestigious awards
  • Organise the Centre’s Final Student and ECR Retreat
  • Organise the Centre’s Final Annual Retreat for all members
  • Commission and develop the ACEMS legacy website